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aerial view of Cedar Crest Village location


Cedar Crest Village

Project location

Hoytsville, Utah

Project phase

Community review

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cedar crest village location with homes in cluster sites

Let’s Talk Big Picture

Ivory Homes and Larry H. Miller Real Estate are proud to introduce Cedar Crest Village, located in the township of Hoytsville, Utah. Cedar Crest Village brings to life a vision initiated by the Cedar Crest Overlay Committee, made up of community stakeholders and members of the Eastern Summit County Planning Commission and Summit County Community Development staff.

The timeline to bring this vision to life will likely stretch over several decades, with development occurring at a gradual pace. A major objective of the planning work is to maintain the existing rural character and heritage of Hoytsville. All while ensuring the goals of local landowners and communities are met to guide and manage the inevitable growth and development in the area. Cedar Crest Village will provide a range of housing opportunities, both in terms of housing types and affordability for a range of people from young adults and families to seniors. Preserving open space will also play a vital role in the development, with 900-acres (60 percent) of the community set aside in current plans.

The Village Overlay

In 2018, the Summit County Council adopted the original Village Overlay to incentivize cooperation and community design flexibility. Its purpose is to reestablish and revitalize existing, non-incorporated communities in Eastern Summit County. While creating a comprehensive, community-specific land use and design strategy to address community needs, including but not limited to:

  • Construction of cost-efficient public and/or private infrastructure (streets, water, and wastewater).

  • A range of housing opportunities.

  • Space for local start-up businesses and live-work space.

  • Local employment opportunities.

  • Access to local shopping, eateries, offices, regional public transportation, service commercial and industrial uses, civic and institutional uses, etc.





Public Benefits

Community members at a meeting

Vision Oriented

The timeline to bring Cedar Crest Village to life will likely stretch over several decades, with development occurring at a gradual pace. All while ensuring the goals of local landowners and communities are met to guide and manage the inevitable growth and development in the area.

home types in cedar crest

Housing Opportunities

Provide a range of housing opportunities, both in terms of housing types and affordability for a range of people from young adults and families to seniors.

open space in cedar crest village with homes and trails

Open Space

Allow for scenic view corridors, agricultural buffer areas, natural resources, ground water, waterways and wetlands, steep slopes, and other sensitive lands to be maintained, enhance, and protected.


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